Email: Password:
Do practice exams: CATs - Midterm and End term Exams.

Know how you compare to other students - you will see what your number is.

Use the self marking tool to know your performance instantly.

Parents can check their child's progress and get progress analysis and career choice advice.
Information on Global Messaging Services (Gloville) for educational institutions
Company Information
Global Messaging Services (GMS) was founded in 2011 in Kenya.
We are licensed by the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) to offer affordable SMS solutions.

We offer SMS and Internet based services to:

  • Businesses, SMEs, Universities, Schools and other organisations.
Our Moto: Don't be the last to know!
Glovile - stands for Global Village: We are all in one global village.
Tel: 0115-31-4445

Glovile SMS Solutions
  1. Inspiration quotes, News alerts, Sports news, Business to person SMS (Bulk SMS) and Short Codes.
Schools and other educational Institutions
Possible Uses of Glovile SMS Services
  1. Enable parents or college students to check fee balances and exam (CAT, mid-term and end term) marks by simply sending an SMS.
  2. To send fee reminders, exam results, school calendar changes, announcements and urgent information to parents.
  3. Parents and students can use the reverse charged SMS to request fee balances or exam results.
  4. Primary and secondary schools can also create timetables using the website.
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